The Origin of the Shade Sail

Here in the Sunshine State, we see shade sails everywhere, in school playgrounds, community areas, private pools and beaches. The ever-present sunshine and its intensity have made them a welcome addition to the Queensland landscape. But what is their origin? When did they become an integral part of the Australian experience? Obviously their derivation goes…

Shade Sails can prevent Skin Cancer

Queensland enjoys one of the most enviable climates on Earth with almost year-round sun and clear blue skies. We’re blessed with more days of unbroken sunshine than any other state, but it is also an unfortunate fact that Queensland is, according to Cancer Council Queensland, the skin cancer capital of the world. With temperatures busting…

Save the Great Barrier Reef with…Shade Sails?

Heard the one about protecting the Great Barrier Reef from destruction by deploying shade sails? It sounds like something out of a science fiction film, but it was actually put forward as a viable idea in a paper published by Nature Climate Change. True, the project was meant to only cover a comparatively small part…